Fundraising Resources
Thank you for thinking of us! We want you to enjoy yourself whether it be running a marathon or a delightful afternoon tea fundraising event! If this is the first time you have ever fundraised, don’t worry, we can help! We have resources that can help raise the profile of your event and useful tips to make your event a great success.
If you are a pub or shop or club, we have charity pot labels available - the pennies soon add up! For large events we have sashes available too. If you are undertaking a sporting event such as running or cycling and wish to raise money for IIH UK, we can supply you with our logo so you can have it printed onto your own Tshirts/Vests so that can also help raise awareness of IIH and the Charity.
We have a great Quiz pack, with individual answer sheets - in fact everything you need for a successful Quiz Night!.
There are stickers available too if you would like them, and for these and the quiz pack, please email who will be happy to assist. Don't forget to tell us about your event as we can advertise it on our website and on our Facebook charity page!

Are you feeling brave? Why not do a parachute jump!
Have you, or anyone you know, ever wanted to do a parachute jump? Well, here is your chance.
IIH UK are looking for adventurous volunteers to make a fundraising parachute jump and if you raise enough in sponsorship you will get to jump for free! There are three types of jump available – an ‘Accelerated FreeFall’ where you can experience the thrill of skydiving solo from up to 12,000 feet, a ‘Tandem Skydive’ from 10,000 feet attached to a professional instructor and a ‘Static Line’ jump which is performed solo from up to 3,000 feet - and you can jump from any one of over twenty British Parachute Association approved airfields across the UK. No experience is necessary as all training is given and if you raise from £360 (depending on the type of jump you choose) you will receive your jump for free.
If you would like to make a thrilling skydive from 10,000 feet or an exhilarating solo jump from up to 3,000 feet just follow this link and it will take you direct to skyline.
We are a small charity, continually looking to make savings wherever possible. Due to the high costs of postage, we have decided to make resources available for fundraisers to use for their events here on the website, rather than distribute pots and buckets etc. These great resources can be used to decorate your own buckets, jam jars or tubs. The bunting looks great hung around a table! Some people have worn items of clothing with the charities colours too! Please feel free to download and print any of the items below to highlight to people you are raising money for IIH UK.
Great downloads - Fundraising Resources to raise the profile of your event!
Make sure everyone you know and their friends know what you are doing and how important their support is. Tell them why the money you are raising is so important to IIH UK. We are a small charity and the only UK registered charity who champion research and support of IIH. Some companies have funds available for charities and will match the funds you raise for your event - don't forget to include your employer! If you are collecting in a public place, do not forget to ask permission first.
You can set up online sponsorship here at Just Giving. This is a safe online method where people can sponsor you directly and the money is paid straight to IIH UK. When you create your page, you have the option of raising money for a charity - just click the Raise Money For Us option.
In addition you can request an IIH UK Sponsor Form for your event . Remember to ask any UK Tax payers to provide their details as IIH UK can claim back the Tax as Gift Aid!
Stuck for ideas? Have a read of the Fundraising Leaflet. Need a bit more help or advice? Then the Fundraising team would be happy to help! Please email

As a small charity, we rely solely on the goodwill of our fabulous fundraisers so here is where and when the next ones are taking place. Please let us know if you are planning anything in aid of IIH UK by emailing